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Old World Ship

In our own engineered shed of wooden hope,
 grotesquely we sailed like we already knew,
That earth was gone for good and that animals and humans too,
We arose from the ocean the day before Friday,
 and took with us our memory of such things, but also
of Land itself and the different colours of light,
And we stood forever on the sea, lost 
That man, after our hibernation, might have made a harmless society,
Our own reminiscence seemed to take hold,
Bold our divine idea, really, for Soon its turned to shreds,
For we have come to a place that is Neither that nor before
a place that has simple this and that and a blanketed face
But we want to live again, so that is More than worth our case
Maybe we have watched too many movies from the Time Before It all Happened
It is our fault, the deniers, the escapists, albeit the survivors too
